Contribute to a Group GiftCard
How It Works
Join with friends & family in giving an Americana GiftCard to that special someone!
Create a Group GiftCard and you will receive an email confirmation with a direct link to the Group GiftCard page. Simply email this link to family and friends so they can make an online contribution. All contributions received by the designated end date will be applied to an Americana Manhasset GiftCard, which may be picked up at our Concierge or shipped. Included will be a list of all contributors and respective amounts.
LOOK UP an existing Group GiftCard and contribute online.
You may also create or contribute to a Group GiftCard by calling 800-818-6767 or visiting our Concierge. By participating in Americana Manhasset's Group GiftCard Program, you agree to the Americana Manhasset GiftCard Cardholder Agreement.